Archive for the ‘creationism’ Tag

Can’t spell unstable without unintelligent.

Well the “un” part anyway.

Here’s another video from Thunderf00t (yes, I’m a fanboy now) :

I found this to be a very powerful video.

It’s the prefect example of the “fine-tooth-combness” of the scientific method. VenomFangX (aka PosterBoy for Creationist Stupidity aka PCS) says one thing, then a whole weight of evidence is brought again him that proves, a) his lying b) he has done whatever he is criticising or c) the guy is messed up.

It also looks like were seeing a public break down of someone who just keeps lying, and is now having those lies thrown back in his face, (as well as legal pressures). I don’t know about you but those batman clips and this love video of his just creep me out.

I also must thank Thunderf00t for two reasons. Firstly, his videos on the universe are brilliant, there are superb and extremely well made; a clear labour of love. Secondly, I thank him for the time and effort he has put into making, what can only be describe as a catalogue of bad arguments against science. They give me hope that creationists, and other anti-science quakes, will no longer be able to lie their way through arguments and debates. THEY WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE.

Attenborough, atheist and not gonna take it any more.

David Attenborough has been in the news recently, with creationists sending him hate mail because of their ignorance. From the Guardian:

In an interview with this week’s Radio Times about his latest documentary, on Charles Darwin and natural selection, the broadcaster said: "They tell me to burn in hell and good riddance.

Attenborough has hit out again with a criticism of Genesis. From the Independent:

Sir David, 82, said the devastation of the environment has its roots in the first words that God supposedly uttered to humankind, as detailed in Genesis 1:28: "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves upon the earth."

This observation is completely justified. At the high of Christendom before the Black Plague nature had been devastated by Christian superstitions. Cat and other animals that were considered to be in league with the devil. Monks and monasteries overfished many lakes and large ponds due to the tradition of eating fish on Friday. Then of course when the Black Plague reduced all human influence on nature.

I think you could extend Attenborough point beyond nature. The point could be made that the Christian religion want command of the whole world including humans, and human thought. A superiority complex is what I’m driving at, and sadly most religions have them.

Youtube legal fight: VenomFangX v Everyone with an Education

Interesting to say the least. A young Earth creationist Youtube user, VemonFangX VenomFangX, has gone on a DMCA rampage.

Unfortunately he missed with the wrong bunch of Youtube users, Thunderf00t being one of them.

Here are some of the videos explaining the situation:

Overall makes for a interesting case study and should make people think twice before sending out DMCA’s.

And here are some other Thunderf00t for your viewing pleasure.